Refrigerants Preserve Retail Food

Refrigeration is the cornerstone of retail food businesses such as supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, and other food service establishments.

Reliable and consistent refrigeration systems safely preserve the perishable foods sold to customers and consumers. Businesses that sell food need reliable refrigerants to reduce waste and spoilage, and protect consumer health.

Refrigeration is critical in a number of retail food applications, including:

– Supermarket display cases
– Food storage and processing
– Ice machines

The cooling capacity and performance characteristics of Freon™ refrigerants are ideal for use in medium- and low-temperature commercial refrigeration.

These refrigerants:

– Are nonflammable and safe to use (ASHRAE A1 safety classification)
– Have zero-ozone depletion potential (ODP) because they are hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

Chemours offers a number of other equally effective refrigerants as alternatives for use in retail food refrigeration systems.

Those refrigerants include:

– freon 404A
– freon 407A
– freon 507
– freon 134a